Vintage catalogs
Ultra rare photo discovered!
Recently I bought a collection of old catalogues from 1929 till 1939 which in each book the National guitar is well presented. Without a doubt the most expensive books I've ever bought but worth it! As other National enthusiasts probably know and what you can read in the beautiful book "Palmtrees, Señoritas....and Rocket Ships" by Mark Makin", there were only some black and white images available from the 1927 woodbody "Trojo" tricone Triolian that were published in some old catalogues. I have the absolute pleasure to make some people happy to tell and show that I finally discovered a color image of this famous instrument in a 1930 catalogue. Although they wrote that it had a steel body instead of wood, it's clear that they talk about the steel bodied walnut and polychrome models, I know this image will bring a smile on some faces. I told my friend Gottfried David Gfrerer about it as he has build a very beautiful version of the guitar himself! He told me to write Mark Makin and Mike Lewis from Fine Resophonic (Mike also build an amazing version of it) because they would be happy to see it too. Well, they are! Specially for Gottfried I bought a scanner to send him (and Mark and Mike) a better image than just a photo I've sent earlier this week. After I found out how this scanner works today I did my best to get a nice result. Of course I also want to share it with you, so here it is! Enjoy! Yours truly, Peter Struijk

Chicago Music Instruments Co 1930

Sherman Clay & Co 1929